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Release notes

Apache Druid 32.0.0 contains over 220 new features, bug fixes, performance enhancements, documentation improvements, and additional test coverage from 52 contributors.

See the complete set of changes for additional details, including bug fixes.

Review the incompatible changes before you upgrade to Druid 32.0.1. If you are upgrading across multiple versions, see the Upgrade notes page, which lists upgrade notes for the most recent Druid versions.

Important features

This section contains important information about new and existing features.

New Overlord APIs

APIs for marking segments as used or unused have been moved from the Coordinator to the Overlord service:

  • Mark all segments of a datasource as unused: POST /druid/indexer/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}

  • Mark all (non-overshadowed) segments of a datasource as used: DELETE /druid/indexer/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}

  • Mark multiple segments as used POST /druid/indexer/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/markUsed

  • Mark multiple (non-overshadowed) segments as unused POST /druid/indexer/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/markUnused

  • Mark a single segment as used: POST /druid/indexer/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}

  • Mark a single segment as unused: DELETE /druid/indexer/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}

As part of this change, the corresponding Coordinator APIs have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

  • POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}
  • POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/markUsed
  • POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/markUnused
  • POST /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}
  • DELETE /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments/{segmentId}
  • DELETE /druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}

The Coordinator now calls the Overlord to serve these requests.


Realtime query processing for multi-value strings

Realtime query processing no longer considers all strings as multi-value strings during expression processing, fixing a number of bugs and unexpected failures. This should also improve realtime query performance of expressions on string columns.

This change impacts topN queries for realtime segments where rows of data are implicitly null, such as from a property missing from a JSON object.

Before this change, these were handled as [] instead of null, leading to inconsistency between processing realtime segments and published segments. When processing segments, the value was treated as [], which topN ignores. After publishing, the value became null, which topN does not ignore. The same query could have different results before and after being persisted

After this change, the topN engine now treats [] as null when processing realtime segments, which is consistent with published segments.

This change doesn't impact actual multi-value string columns, regardless of if they're realtime.


Join hints in MSQ task engine queries

Druid now supports hints for SQL JOIN queries that use the MSQ task engine. This allows queries to provide hints for the JOIN type that should be used at a per join level. Join hints recursively affect sub queries.


Changes and deprecations

ANSI-SQL compatibility and query results

Support for the configs that let you maintain older behavior that wasn't ANSI-SQL compliant have been removed:

  • druid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull=true
  • druid.expressions.useStrictBooleans=false
  • druid.generic.useThreeValueLogicForNativeFilters=false

They no longer affect your query results. Only SQL-compliant non-legacy behavior is supported now.

If the configs are set to the legacy behavior, Druid services will fail to start.

If you want to continue to get the same results without these settings, you must update your queries or your results will be incorrect after you upgrade.

For more information about how to update your queries, see the migration guide.

#17568 #17609

Java support

Java support in Druid has been updated:

  • Java 8 support has been removed
  • Java 11 support is deprecated

We recommend that you upgrade to Java 17.


Hadoop-based ingestion

Hadoop-based ingestion is now deprecated. We recommend that you migrate to SQL-based ingestion.

Join hints in MSQ task engine queries

Druid now supports hints for SQL JOIN queries that use the MSQ task engine. This allows queries to provide hints for the JOIN type that should be used at a per join level. Join hints recursively affect sub queries.

select /*+ sort_merge */ w1.cityName, w2.countryName
select /*+ broadcast */ w3.cityName AS cityName, w4.countryName AS countryName from wikipedia w3 LEFT JOIN wikipedia-set2 w4 ON w3.regionName = w4.regionName
) w1
JOIN wikipedia-set1 w2 ON w1.cityName = w2.cityName
where w1.cityName='New York';


This section contains detailed release notes separated by areas.

Web console

Explore view (experimental)

Several improvements have been made to the Explore view in the web console:

The time chart visualization now supports zooming, dragging, and is smarter about granularity detection:

Filters been improved with helper tables and additional context:

Tiles can now be shown side-by-side:


Segment timeline view

The segment timeline is now more interactive and no longer forces day granularity.

New view

Old view:


Other web console improvements

  • The timezone picker now always shows your timezone #17521
  • UNNEST is now supported for autocomplete suggestions #17521
  • Tables now support less than and greater than filters #17521
  • You can now resize the side panels in the Query view #17387
  • Added the expectedLoadTimeMillis segment loading metric to the web console #17359


Numbers for CSV and TSV input formats

Use the new optional config tryParseNumbers for CSV and TSV input formats to control how numbers are treated. If enabled, any numbers present in the input will be parsed in the following manner:

  • long data type for integer types and
  • double for floating-point numbers

By default, this configuration is set to false, so numeric strings will be treated as strings.


Other ingestion improvements

  • Reduce the direct memory requirement on non-query processing tasks by not reserving query buffers for them #16887
  • JSON-based and SQL-based ingestion now support request headers when using an HTTP input source #16974

SQL-based ingestion

  • SQL-based ingestion now supports dynamic parameters for queries besides SELECT queries, such as REPLACE #17126
  • Improved thread names to include the stage ID and worker number to help with troubleshooting #17324

Streaming ingestion

Control how many segments get merged for publishing

You can now use the maxColumnsToMerge property in your supervisor spec to specify the number of segments to merge in a single phase when merging segments for publishing. This limit affects the total number of columns present in a set of segments to merge. If the limit is exceeded, segment merging occurs in multiple phases. Druid merges at least 2 segments each phase, regardless of this setting.


Other streaming ingestion improvements
  • Druid now fully supports early/late rejection periods when stopTasksCount is configured and streaming tasks run longer than the configured task duration #17442
  • Improved segment publishing when resubmitting supervisors or when task publishing takes a long time #17509


Window queries

The following fields are deprecated for window queries that use the MSQ task engine: maxRowsMaterializedInWindow and partitionColumnNames. They will be removed in a future release.


Other querying improvements

  • Added automatic query prioritization based on the period of the segments scanned in a query. You can set the duration threshold in ISO format using druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.segmentRangeThreshold #17009
  • Improved error handling for incomplete queries. A trailer header to indicate an error is returned now #16672
  • Improved scan queries to account for column types in more situations #17463
  • Improved lookups so that they can now iterate over fetched data #17212
  • Improved projections so that they can contain only aggregators and no grouping columns #17484
  • Removed microseconds as a supported unit for EXTRACT #17247

Cluster management

Reduce metadata IO

The Overlord runtime property druid.indexer.tasklock.batchAllocationReduceMetadataIO can help reduce IO during batch segment allocation. Setting this flag to true (default value) allows the Overlord to fetch only necessary segment payloads during segment allocation.


Other cluster management improvements

  • Druid can now run non-G1 Garbage Collectors with JAVA_OPTS #17078
  • You no longer have to configure a temporary storage directory on the Middle Manager for durable storage or exports. If it isn't configured, Druid uses the task directory #17015 #17335
  • Improved autoscaling on supervisors so that tasks don't get published needlessly #17335
  • Improved recovery time for Overlord leadership after ZooKeeper are bounced #17535
  • Improved Druid to be more resilient of Druid service leadership changes due to ZooKeeper outages #17546
  • Removed the following unused Coordinator dynamic configs: mergeBytesLimit and mergeSegmentsLimit #17384

Data management

Sorting columns for compaction with the MSQ task engine (experimental)

Compaction that uses the MSQ task engine now supports sorting segments with non-time columns. If forceSegmentSortByTime is set in the compaction config or the inferred schema, the following happens:

  • Skip adding __time explicitly as the first column to the dimension schema since it already comes as part of the schema
  • Ensure column mappings propagate __time in the order specified by the schema
  • Set forceSegmentSortByTime in the MSQ query context.

Other data management improvements

  • Improved centralized datasource schemas so that different permutations of the same column order do not result in distinct schemas #17044
  • Changed compaction tasks to always handle multi-value dimensions as arrays if the column schema is not explicitly specified #17110

Metrics and monitoring

New metrics for GroupByStatsMonitor:

Druid now emits the following metrics for GroupBy queries:

mergeBuffer/used: Number of merge buffers used mergeBuffer/acquisitionTimeNs: Total time required to acquire merge buffer mergeBuffer/acquisition: Number of queries that acquired a batch of merge buffers groupBy/spilledQueries: Number of queries that spilled onto the disk groupBy/spilledBytes-> Spilled bytes on the disk groupBy/mergeDictionarySize: Size of the merging dictionary


CgroupV2 monitors (experimental)

The following monitors for cgroupv2 are now available:

  • CPU:
  • disk usage
  • memory


Other metrics and monitoring improvements

  • Added ingest/notices/queueSize, ingest/notices/time, and ingest/pause/time metrics to the statsd emitter #17487 #17468
  • Added duty group as a dimension for the metric for the statsd-emitter #17320 -The service/heartbeat metric now reports the status on the Peon #17488
  • Changed real-time segment metrics so that they are for each Sink instead of for each FireHydrant. This is a return to emission behavior prior to improvements to real-time query performance made in 30.0.0 #17170
  • Changed query stats to be first before intervals in getNativeQueryLine logging so that the stats are retained if the query object gets truncated #17326


Delta Lake

  • The Delta Lake input source now supports decimal data types and is handled as a double. If the value cannot fit within a double, ingest it as a string #17376
  • You can now filter by snap shot version even if if the version is 0 #17367

gRPC queries

A new contributor extension enabled a gRPC API for SQL and native queries, which means that gRPC-based clients can use the extension to issue SQL queries. Use this extension for simple queries.

For more information, see gRPC query extension for Druid.



  • Middle Manger-less ingestion using Kubernetes is now more resilient to Overlord restarts #17446
  • You can now pass empty arrays to type and dataSource keys in selector based pod template selection strategy #17400
  • Improved the TaskRunner to expose the getMaximumCapacity field #17107


The Iceberg extension now supports the AWS Glue Iceberg catalog.


Documentation improvements

The docs now include examples for all supported Apache Druid SQL functions. You can easily learn how to use each function by following along with the examples. These examples leverage datasets included with Druid, making it simple to get started quickly.

Check out the examples at All Druid SQL functions.

Upgrade notes and incompatible changes

Incompatible changes

Developer notes

  • Improved dependency support between extensions. When an extension has a dependency on another extension, it now tries to use the dependency's class loader to find classes required classes #16973
  • Coordinator APIs for marking segments as used or unused are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the corresponding Overlord APIs instead. For a full list, see New Overlord APIs or #17545

Dependency updates

The following dependencies have had their versions bumped:

  • javax.xml.bind is no longer used. Druid now uses jakarta.xml.bind #17370
  • Several dependencies for the web console have had their dependencies updated. For a full list, see #17381, #17365, #17363
  • Removed file-loader dependency for the web console #17346
  • Guice from 4.2.2 to 5.1.0
  • git-commit-id-maven-plugin from 4.9.10 to 9.0.1 #17571
  • Netty from version 4.1.108.Final to 4.1.116.Final