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S3 extension

This extension allows you to do 2 things:

To use this Apache Druid extension, include druid-s3-extensions in the extensions load list.

Reading data from S3

Use a native batch Parallel task with an S3 input source to read objects directly from S3.

Alternatively, use a Hadoop task, and specify S3 paths in your inputSpec.

To read objects from S3, you must supply connection information in configuration.

Deep Storage

S3-compatible deep storage means either AWS S3 or a compatible service like Google Storage which exposes the same API as S3.

S3 deep storage needs to be explicitly enabled by setting Only after setting the storage type to S3 will any of the settings below take effect.

To use S3 for Deep Storage, you must supply connection information in configuration and set additional configuration, specific for Deep Storage.

Deep storage specific configuration

PropertyDescriptionDefault to store in.Must be set. prefix string that will be prepended to the object names for the segments published to S3 deep storageMust be set. deep storage provider. Must be set to s3 to make use of this extension.Must be set (likely s3). bucket name for archiving when running the archive task.none object key prefix for archiving.none flag for how object permissions are handled. To use ACLs, set this property to false. To use Object Ownership, set it to true. The permission requirements for ACLs and Object Ownership are different. For more information, see S3 permissions settings.false true, use the "s3a" filesystem when using Hadoop-based ingestion. If false, the "s3n" filesystem will be used. Only affects Hadoop-based ingestion.false


S3 authentication methods

You can provide credentials to connect to S3 in a number of ways, whether for deep storage or as an ingestion source.

The configuration options are listed in order of precedence. For example, if you would like to use profile information given in ~/.aws/credentials, do not set druid.s3.accessKey and druid.s3.secretKey in your Druid config file because they would take precedence.

1Druid config fileBased on your if it contains values druid.s3.accessKey and druid.s3.secretKey
2Custom properties fileBased on custom properties file where you can supply sessionToken, accessKey and secretKey values. This file is provided to Druid through druid.s3.fileSessionCredentials properties
3Environment variablesBased on environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
4Java system propertiesBased on JVM properties aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
5Profile informationBased on credentials you may have on your druid instance (generally in ~/.aws/credentials)
6ECS container credentialsBased on environment variables available on AWS ECS (AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI or AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI) as described in the EC2ContainerCredentialsProviderWrapper documentation
7Instance profile informationBased on the instance profile you may have attached to your druid instance

For more information, refer to the Amazon Developer Guide.

Alternatively, you can bypass this chain by specifying an access key and secret key using a Properties Object inside your ingestion specification.

Use the property druid.startup.logging.maskProperties to mask credentials information in Druid logs. For example, ["password", "secretKey", "awsSecretAccessKey"].

S3 permissions settings

To manage the permissions for objects in an S3 bucket, you can use either ACLs or Object Ownership. The permissions required for each method are different.

By default, Druid uses ACLs. With ACLs, any object that Druid puts into the bucket inherits the ACL settings from the bucket.

You can switch from using ACLs to Object Ownership by setting to true. The bucket owner owns any object that gets created, so you need to use S3's bucket policies to manage permissions.

Note that this setting only affects Druid's behavior. Changing S3 to use Object Ownership requires additional configuration. For more information, see the AWS documentation on Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs for your bucket.

ACL permissions

If you're using ACLs, Druid needs the following permissions:

  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:GetBucketAcl
  • s3:PutObjectAcl

Object Ownership permissions

If you're using Object Ownership, Druid needs the following permissions:

  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:DeleteObject

AWS region

The AWS SDK requires that a target region be specified. You can set these by using the JVM system property aws.region or by setting an environment variable AWS_REGION.

For example, to set the region to 'us-east-1' through system properties:

  • Add -Daws.region=us-east-1 to the jvm.config file for all Druid services.
  • Add -Daws.region=us-east-1 to druid.indexer.runner.javaOpts in Middle Manager configuration so that the property will be passed to Peon (worker) processes.

Connecting to S3 configuration

druid.s3.accessKeyS3 access key. See S3 authentication methods for more detailsCan be omitted according to authentication methods chosen.
druid.s3.secretKeyS3 secret key. See S3 authentication methods for more detailsCan be omitted according to authentication methods chosen.
druid.s3.fileSessionCredentialsPath to properties file containing sessionToken, accessKey and secretKey value. One key/value pair per line (format key=value). See S3 authentication methods for more detailsCan be omitted according to authentication methods chosen.
druid.s3.protocolCommunication protocol type to use when sending requests to AWS. http or https can be used. This configuration would be ignored if druid.s3.endpoint.url is filled with a URL with a different protocol.https
druid.s3.disableChunkedEncodingDisables chunked encoding. See AWS document for details.false
druid.s3.enablePathStyleAccessEnables path style access. See AWS document for details.false
druid.s3.forceGlobalBucketAccessEnabledEnables global bucket access. See AWS document for details.false
druid.s3.endpoint.urlService endpoint either with or without the protocol.None
druid.s3.endpoint.signingRegionRegion to use for SigV4 signing of requests (e.g. us-west-1).None
druid.s3.proxy.hostProxy host to connect through.None
druid.s3.proxy.portPort on the proxy host to connect through.None
druid.s3.proxy.usernameUser name to use when connecting through a proxy.None
druid.s3.proxy.passwordPassword to use when connecting through a proxy.None encryption type. Should be one of s3, kms, and custom. See the below Server-side encryption section for more details.None KMS key ID. This is used only when is kms and can be empty to use the default key ID.None key. Should be specified if is custom.None

Server-side encryption

You can enable server-side encryption by setting to a supported type of server-side encryption. The current supported types are: